Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Up and running ...

This photo is a bit blurry, but represents an exciting development because the N9 shown is actually moving under power through the junction just in front of South Pelaw Box (despite the signals set to danger ...). This was the first occasion on which one of the boards had been powered up, and to the general amazement of all present, it all seemed to work! We plan to control the layout (sections, signals, and turnouts) using the CBUS system developed by MERG (http://www.merg.org.uk), and so what we achieved on Sunday was not just a locomotive moving, but integration of signals, turnouts and section feeds from the control panel, all designed and built by Martin.

As well as exciting developments in the electrical realm, Phil has been busy with the scenics at the Ouston/Washington end, Pete has almost completed one bridge, and Rich has been working on the bridge at Stella Gill Flatts. A huge amount still needs to be done, and don't hold your breath for an exhibition booking yet, but we are getting closer to the moment when we will be able to find out just how tricky this layout will be to operate, and just how many coal hoppers and plate wagons we are going to need to put on a convincing show ...

Richard Clayton October 2014

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